The Babys’ Tony Brock – HuffPost 5.27.14

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Tony Brock: I know it sounds like your father speaking to you, but you’ll have to practice and you have no choice but to be totally into it. I used to practice eight hours a day and think nothing of it. People ask me all the time, “Did you ever think you were going to fail at what you were trying to do as a musician?” I look back and I think, no, I never thought once that I was going to fail. That thought never entered my head. It was just something that I love so much–it has to go through your body and you have to love it and enjoy it and soak everything up and learn from other people and watch them. Like I did as a producer, I stole Ron Nevison’s ideas, I stole Keith Olsen’s ideas, all the greatest producers that we had I took just a little piece of them and worked it in to make it me. That’s what you have to do as a drummer, as a guitarist, as a singer, you pick your favorite people and pick what you love and then put it all together and make it your own. That’s my advice to the kids, that’s what you’ve got to do, if you don’t truly love it deep down then don’t bother because it’s a lot of hard work. There’s a lot of people ready to smack you down, so you’ve got to believe in what you do. We weren’t ready to give up yet, that’s why The Babys are back.

MR: So new artists shouldn’t be ready to give up at that point in their careers either?

TB: No! As long as they believe in what they’re doing they’ve got to give it a try because later on you’ll be kicking yourself wishing you’d at least given it a better shot.

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