The Avett Brothers’ Seth Avett – HuffPost 10.2.12

MR: What advice do you have for new artists?

SA: Mike, advice I would have for a new artist would be to keep the career aspect in its place. Don’t ignore it, because if you want to make a living playing music, you have to be legitimate. You have to pay taxes and you have to figure out how to write things off and you have to learn how to campaign and how to sell yourself in certain regards. But I would say keep that to a minimum, keep it in its place, and when it comes to making art, keep that pure and keep that in a place that’s unaffected by the career aspect of it. I’d also say don’t look to someone else to make your career for you. Go out there and connect with people. Play in coffee shops, play in bars, play in restaurants. Don’t try to jump up the staircase in one jump. Just take one step at a time and, for God’s sake, enjoy it.

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