Appleseed Recordings’ Jim Musselman – HuffPost 11.6.12

Mike Ragogna: Nice. Speaking of young people, what advice do you have for new artists?

Jim Musselman: Oh, it’s tough. I would say “Persistence, persistence, persistence.” I think it’s the key to everything. Don’t ever give up on your dream. I think it’s about being persistent and continuing to knock on doors and not giving up when you’re a musician and you have something to say or you have belief in yourself.

MR: With the many artists that you’ve worked with over the years, would you say could be the key on why they turned the corner and “made it,” whatever that means?

JM: Yeah, I think it’s a real discipline and a persistence and a drive, but also not being so quick to give up on a dream. I’ve always said, “Let your dreams be blueprints for the next year” and I think that’s really important so that people don’t give up on it, because so many times in my life when I was trying to get a job with Ralph Nader or working to get airbags in cars or peace in Northern Ireland, it’s always about persistence and sticking with it as opposed to giving up too early.

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