Andre Williams – HuffPost 11.19.12

Mike Ragogna: Well, ridiculous journey or not, you’ve got a lifetime of experience, so what advice do you have for new artists?

Andre Williams: Okay. My advice to a new artist is to make sure that this is what you want to do, and secondly, get yourself a foundation, and that would be an education. If you can put both of those together you should win, but you have to have determination and education. That’s like milk and sugar going in coffee. Those two I think are the combination. A good education so you can do your own business, of course, you understand what I’m saying? And determination that nothing can deter you from your goal.

MR: Would that be the same advice you’d give to the young Andre Williams?

AW: Absolutely…absolutely. Make sure that’s what you want to do, because you cannot be an entertainer and a postman. It doesn’t work. That’s like putting pepper on pancakes. It just don’t work. The entertainment life is entertainment and that’s what it is. You cannot live a dual life when you’re an entertainer if you want to succeed.

MR: It’s really true, isn’t it? There’s like nothing else you could do.

AW: Right. Because you never know when the moment is going to come and you’re never going to know how you’re going to approach it if you’re doing something else. If you’re delivering mail and all of the sudden you hear a hit, what are you going to do, drop the mail down and run to a piano and go to jail for dropping the mail? Oh, that’s a good line.

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