Ace Frehley – HuffPost 8.18.14

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Ace Frehley: For a musician, practice, practice and more practice. That being said, I would also say follow your dreams. Don’t listen to anybody. When I was sixteen years old, I decided I wanted to be a rock star. It wasn’t in my twenties. I told everybody what I wanted to do with my life and everybody said I was crazy. So if I were to listen to what everybody told me growing up, everybody was saying, “Get a regular job, do this, do that,” and I’d say, “How can I? I’m doing this.” If you have talent and you have perseverance and you have drive, you can achieve greatness. Don’t listen to other people, you’ve got to follow your own heart and your own dreams.

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