Chuck Prophet – HuffPost 11.3.14

Mike Ragogna: So Spuds, what advice do you have for new artists?

Chuck Prophet: Just do it. If you’re an artist, be an artist. Making a decent record or playing a gig is a lot like coaching high school football or something. You’ve got to be smart enough to do it and dumb enough to think it matters. If it matters to you maybe it will matter to other people. That’s a good place to start. Also, I’d also suggest you surround yourself with cool people. Fact is, you’ll end up getting in bed with some good people and you’ll end up getting in bed with some people you’ll come to find you don’t want to wake up next to. And really, it’s hard to tell until you’re in the heat of battle who’s got your back and who doesn’t. So, in order to get your music out there, just do it. Most people are full of it. And even the best people out there are full of BS one-third of the time. I also think that good ten or fifteen minutes with the internet in the morning should be sufficient. But, that’s just me. What do I know about the music business? I’m still trying to break in after decades of trying.


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